2020 Resolutions

Somehow, 2019 is almost over. In the past I have created resolutions but never really wrote them down, just kind of tried to keep them in my head which if we’re being honest, doesn’t work well. I’m at the point in my life where I have some things I know I want to/need to change. I want this new year to be different, which is why I am sharing some of my resolutions with you all.

In 2020, I am really prioritizing wellness. The past few years have been a little crazy and I have really let myself slip when it comes to my overall wellness. I haven’t been eating the best, I have not been working out like I should, and really just have not been taking care of myself like I should be. I have decided to change that in 2020. Below, I have listed out my resolutions for 2020.

All images via pinterest

-Drink more water: I recently purchased a hydro flask and that is definitely helping with my daily water intake, but let’s be honest…I’m still not drinking enough water. My goal is to drink at least 80 ounces of water a day.
-Work out 3 times a week: An area I have majorly slacked off in the last couple years. I have been wanting to change this but honestly with the move this past year, it took me a long time to get back into a normal routine and we didn’t even unwrap our Peloton until last month (we moved to LA in the beginning of July…). So, in 2020 I want to work out at least 3 times a week between our gym membership and our Peloton (hoping for more but I’m setting the bar at 3).
-Meditate 3 times a week: In an effort to really put myself and my wellness first, I have decided to try out meditating. I’ve heard so many good things about meditating, so I have downloaded the Headspace app and cannot wait to get started.
-Get back into yoga: End of 2018/beginning of 2019, I started going to CorePower Yoga classes as well as doing yoga classes through our Peloton. I really enjoyed yoga and I want to get back into a normal yoga routine in 2020.
-Truly learn how to surf: Vince and I took a surfing lesson in September and I absolutely fell in love with surfing. This year I really want to take time to get back out in the water and get better at surfing.
-Create and maintain a healthy sleep schedule: Oh boy. I’m slowly getting there with this one, but I need to be better about it. All through college and the first few years of my twenties, I could function on a few hours of sleep and be completely fine. Now, not so much. I am learning that I really need my 8 hours of sleep.
-Cook More/eat mainly Mediterranean: This past year I start to cook more and I am really enjoying it! However, it’s time to start branching out in what I cook. Also, Vince and I are really putting an effort into eating healthy starting in 2020, and we have decided to go with a Mediterranean diet. I’ve already been pinning a ton of recipes and I am really excited about it.
-Blog twice a week: In the past I have set larger goals of blogging 5 times a week, but let’s be honest. My blog is not my full-time job. This is simply a hobby and while I would love to be able to produce 5 new blog posts a week, my full-time job is something that I am very passionate about and my main focus is on that. I will definitely try to put out more than 2 posts a week, but I think for now 2 posts a week is a very attainable goal.
-Read 20 books: For the first time since I was a child, I am not studying for anything which means that I actually have time to read! I’ve already started on my first fiction book and I am really excited about working my way through my list of books.
-Get my finances in order: Now that I am settled in my new job, it is high time that I actually get my finances in order. It’s time to start saving for big life goals that we have as well as a solid emergency fund. This is actually a goal that I am super excited about.
-Grow and maintain a garden: I want to be able to walk outside, grab vegetables from my garden, and make dinner with them. Let’s see if I can actually keep plants alive.
-Put more effort into my outfits: I’ve gotten a little lazy with putting outfits together and this year I want to change that. I’m looking forward into actually planning outfits and putting together looks I love.

What are your goals and resolutions for 2020?!

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